When you were younger, you may remember your parents telling you to wait 30 minutes after eating before swimming, running around or playing with friends. But, is this just an old wives' tale? Or is there a logic behind the presumed madness? 

Though you may feel fine after eating, research has shown that resting after eating is ideal for your gut health. To help you understand it better, we've broken it down in the blog below.

The side effects of not resting after you eat 

Whether you're snacking on your favourite muesli bar or you've just enjoyed a Jomeis Fine Foods Superfood Breakfast Bowl, waiting at least an hour after eating and before exercise is critical. Though the results will differ for everyone, some frequent side effects that you may experience from not waiting include: 

  • Bloating 
  • Poor digestion
  • Acid reflux 
  • Cramping
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea 

While experiencing these once or twice won't have major repercussions for your health, repeating this phenomenon can have long-term impacts on your health. This includes inflicting long-term damage on your gut health, which can cause bowel problems.

It is important, of course, to remember that you should consider the intensity of the sport you are playing. Moderate to light sports, such as golf or yoga, won't typically have as damaging impacts as higher-intensity sports, such as sprinting. But, it's critical that you consider your body and always listen to the signs that you need to wait longer after eating and before exercising.

A full stomach can also impact your performance 

Aside from simply causing bloating and stomach issues, a full stomach can impede your sports performance. It does this because you may feel nauseous, bloated and heavier than normal. Subconsciously, this may cause you to run slower, stop pushing your limits and even take more breaks than usual. If you know you will be playing sports or heading to the gym, make a conscious effort to plan ahead and eat a nutritious meal beforehand. This way, you can always allow enough time to consume your meal, absorb the nutrients in each item you eat, and prevent performance-impacting effects. 

What should you eat before exercising? 

As well as eating with enough time before exercising, it's critical that you make the conscious choice to eat the right foods. Sugar-heavy and nutrient-light meals will not provide your body with the fuel it needs to perform well and for long bursts of time. Even if you are waiting an appropriate amount of time, these foods can still contribute to negative repercussions, such as bloating, cramping and poor performance. 

So, instead, you need to make the conscious choice to fuel your body with foods that will have the impact you are after. Try healthy carbs, such as brown rice and quinoa, which can provide you with an influx of energy. The Hoodles are a great option for this, as the noodles themselves are made from a brown rice and quinoa blend. 

We also recommend good sources of lean protein, including eggs, salmon and lentils, as they can support change in the body, such as the development of muscle mass. 


 The Jomeis Fine Foods team is here to help

 As experts in all things health and wellbeing, we know it can be overwhelming to decide which products will support your body the most for exercise. We are always happy to chat and recommend products in our range; based on your exercise regime, which will help you get started on the path to good eating and eliminating exercise discomfort. 

Chat with us today.