Finding gluten-free and sugar-free desserts seems nearly impossible sometimes. And when you finally find a recipe that sounds delicious, you're met with crumbly batter, quick burn times and gluggy mixtures that you wish you just didn't in the first place. But, does it have to be this way? 

Our gluten-free turmeric latte golden milk doughnut recipe is sure to prove to you that sugar-free recipes and healthy desserts don't need to make you miserable. 

What are the benefits of Turmeric? 

Turmeric is the healer that we all need more of in our lives. It is creamy, warm and spicy, making it anti-oxidising, anti-inflammatory and fantastic for regulating gut health. If you find the right blend of turmeric, like that of our dairy-free drink, you'll also find that it can be deliciously sweet and mouth-watering. 

We recommend turmeric as an alternative healer for those who have the flu, are looking for relief from arthritis and are seeking preventatives from conditions, such as heart disease. It's also a delicious remedy for anyone looking to take a positive step for their health. An apple a day may not keep the doctor away, but a turmeric latte a day can work wonders for how you look and feel. As always, it's most beneficial when used in conjunction with treatments prescribed by your practitioner and should never be substituted for medication unless you've spoken with a professional prior. 

Not all turmeric lattes are the same 

Fads on social media have had people brewing up their own turmeric lattes and gluten-free beverages for years now. But, what they fail to tell you is that turmeric isn't always at its maximum effectiveness. 

What do we mean by this? 

There's an inactive compound in turmeric called curcumin. And that's where all the good stuff comes from. But you need to activate it if you want it to produce the maximum benefits. How do you do this? Forgive us for sounding crazy, the answer is black pepper! 

That's right, just like consuming vitamin C with iron helps your body's absorption, so too does consuming black pepper with turmeric, and fortunately, our turmeric latte already blends these ingredients together, meaning every sip enriches your body with goodness. 

Enough with the talking, on with the recipe! 

Want to make some doughnuts at home but are looking for a dessert that's packed with goodness? Our turmeric latte golden milk doughnuts will have you feeling satisfied and nourished. 

Here's what you need to make approximately 12 doughnuts: 

  • 2 cups of gluten-free flour 
  • 1 tablespoon of baking powder 
  • 2 tablespoons of your Jomeis Fine Foods Nutritional Turmeric Latte
  • 1 cup of plant-based milk - we love rice milk! 
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 
  • Maple syrup or Turmeric Adaptogenic Honey to serve

How to make them:

  • Preheat your oven to 180 degrees 
  • Mix together all of your ingredients, except for the Syrup/Honey. You may need to adjust the milk and flower quantities slightly. You want to mix them until they're moist, but not sticky. 
  • Separate your mixture into 12 equal balls.
  • Roll each ball into a thin log, then coil them into doughnut shapes.
  • Bake them in the oven for 15 minutes or until golden brown. 
  • Wait until cool and drizzle over honey or syrup. 
  • Eat warm or cool.